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Spicy Chickpea Burger

Spicy chickpea burger served with a side of crispy air-fried tempeh chips (seasoned with hot chick spicy salt) and a medley of  clean greens.


  • 1 can of chickpeas, rinsed and drained. Pulsed in food processor to form ground chickpea. I like mine chunky because when you pan-fry the patties, you're going to have nice crispy edges. Empty the ground chickpeas into a bowl.

Then blend:

  • About 10-12 pecans / any nut of your choice

  • 1 small red onion

  • 1 red chilli

Add the above to the bowl with ground chickpeas including the ingredients below:

  • 1 tsp garlic powder

  • 1/2 cup panko breadcrumbs

  • 1 small egg (don’t use this if you want the patties egg-free. Adding the egg helps hold the patty better)

  • 1 tbsp sambal penyet

  • 1 tsp ground black pepper

  • For cooking, 1 tbsp coconut oil


1. Mix the above and form patties (makes two large patties / four medium-sized one). Let it sit in the fridge to chill for 10-15mins before pan frying them in coconut oil.
2. Please flip them gently because they can be fragile (and crumbly, unless you add the egg). You could also air fry these patties (180C for 5-6 minutes then 200C for 1-2 minutes).
3. Serve these patties with your favourite burger buns (lightly toasted with some butter), greens and a burger sauce made using:

  • 1 tbsp Green yogurt

  • 1 tsp Sambal Penyet

  • Salt and pepper

Dressing this burger - a spicy yogurt sauce using Greek yogurt, more sambal penyet and a dusting of black pepper powder.

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